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Online Flexible 1-2-1 Lessons
If you cannot come to our evening classes, or if you have to prepare for an exam, such as Swedex, TISUS or SFI, our online lessons are for you. You can sit in front of your computer or mobile device, in the comfort of your own home or office, anywhere in the world, and learn Swedish.
Our online flexible lessons are on a 1-2-1 basis, and you can have lessons from 9am to 9pm (UK time), Mondays to Fridays, whatever suits your personal schedule! You study in blocks of 10 lessons, with one lesson or more a week (which you then renew every tenth week for as long as you want). One lesson is 60 minutes.
How much does it cost?
Block of 10 lessons (60 min lessons): £299 (discount)
Corporate clients: Please email us for corporate rates
What levels can I study?
You can study from beginner (A1) to advanced Swedish (C1). See our Level Descriptions (on the left) for more information or do our online Self Assessment Test if you are unsure of your level. If you are still unsure please contact us.
What course books do I need?
Beginner Swedish (A1-A2): Rivstart A1+A2 (textbook), Rivstart A1+A2 (workbook)
Intermediate Swedish (B1-B2): Rivstart B1+B2 (textbook), Rivstart B1+B2 (workbook)
Advanced Swedish (C1-C2): Språkporten (all-in-one including lots of web exercises)
Conversation: Here we use authentic material, such as newspaper articles, novels, as well as radio programmes to boost your vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation.
Pronunciation practice: We provide you with material.
Grammar (optional): A Concise Swedish Grammar (contrastive grammar available in 18 languages)
You need to purchase your course books before course start. However, we will also provide you with our complimentary material (free of charge of course) throughout your course.
Apply here for Online Flexible 1-2-1 Lessons

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N.B. Some people have problems using this form depending on their browser. If that is the case please send an email to sales@swedishlanguagetraining.co.uk with the relevant details. Thank you!
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