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Online Group Classes
Our online evening classes are open to anyone who wants to learn Swedish wherever you are in the world. Our levels correspond to The Council of Europe's framework for languages (CEFR) A1-C2. See level descriptions on the left for more information. They also qualify you to sit a Swedex examination.
The emphasis is on spoken Swedish where we have attained excellent results with our communicative approach and our own unique proven course material to get you up to speed quickly! You will speak Swedish from day one!
What is so special about our group classes?
Two things: more lesson time per person and the size of the groups.
Since we are only offering two places on each course, half the lesson is yours, so to speak. You only have to share the lesson with one more person. This is as close to individual training as you can get without paying through your nose!
We want to give you maximum input and to get you up to speed quickly, because the fewer people there are in the group to compete with your precious lesson time the more YOU will learn. It is as simple as that. So in effect you get 30 minutes to yourself, whereas in a regular evening class, where there can be up to 20 people, you would only get 6 minutes in a 2-hour lesson, if you are lucky! And you can start anytime during the year, not only term time!
Who can apply?
Anyone who is interested in learning Swedish can sign up for a course wherever they are located in the world. The only condition is that you will need a friend, colleague, family member etc who can form a group consisting of two people with you. Then off you go!
What time slots are available?
Evenings at 18.00-19.00 and 19.00-20.00 (UK time). See timetable below.
How many participants will there be in each group?
As explained above, there will only be two participants. No more, no less.
How much does it cost?
The price for one course of 10 lessons is £199 (per person).
What course books do I need?
For A1 and A2 courses you will need the following books:
Rivstart A1+A2 textbook (2nd edition)
Rivstart A1+A2 workbook (2nd edition)
For B1 and B2 courses you will need the following books:
Rivstart B1+B2 textbook (2nd edition)
Rivstart B1+B2 workbook (2nd edition)
We will also provide you with extra material (free of charge of course) throughout your course.
Time slots available: You can start anytime during the year, not only term time!
FEE (p/p) |
Monday |
18.00-19.00 |
£199 |
Monday |
19.00-20.00 |
£199 |
Tuesday |
18.00-19.00 |
£199 |
Tuesday |
19.00-20.00 |
£199 |
Wednesday |
18.00-19.00 |
£199 |
Wednesday |
19.00-20.00 |
£199 |
Thursday |
18.00-19.00 |
£199 |
Thursday |
19.00-20.00 |
£199 |
Just click here>> and fill in the details on the application form, or just send us an email to sales@swedishlanguagetraining.co.uk saying what course you want to do. We will then send you a confirmation email with payment details so that you can secure your place. Please note that enrolments are processed on a first-come, first-served basis, and some courses fill up quickly!
Whilst we have made every effort to be as clear as possible, should you have any further queries, please don't hesitate to contact us:
Tel: +44 20 3332 0603
Mob: +44 7903121371
Email: sales@swedishlanguagetraining.co.uk
We are looking forward to hearing from you!
Terms and Conditions for online lessons